
十四行诗:莎翁史剧《亨利八世·收场白》Epilogue Of "King Henry VIII"



'Tis ten to one this play can never please

此剧殊难博得各位喜欢,                                                A

All that are here: some come to take their ease,

有些人来这里系为休闲—                                                a


And sleep an act or two; but those, we fear,

睡了一、两幕;而我们担心—                                         b

We have frighted with our trumpets; so, 'tis clear,

喇叭奏鸣已将他们惊醒;                                                B


They'll say 'tis naught: others, to hear the city

他们显然会说此戏没啥,                                                C

Abused extremely, and to cry "That's witty!"

其他人极要听市井谩骂,                                                C


Which we have not done neither: that, I fear,

我们也未能令他们喝彩;                                                D

All the expected good we're like to hear

戏演至此,我们像是偏爱—                                            D


For this play at this time, is only in

听所盼的全部好评,—仅是                                            E

The merciful construction of good women;

贤良女士们宽释的仁慈;                                                E


For such a one we show'd 'em: if they smile,

演了这一出,若笑曰“还行”,                                      B

And say 'twill do, I know, within a while

我知嘉宾们即会全肯定;                                                B


All the best men are ours; for 'tis ill hap,

若不动弹,而太太叫鼓掌,                                             F

If they hold when their ladies bid 'em clap.

—因那有所失当,也不吉祥。                                         F





这台戏十有八九不能使在座的                   13a

诸位都满意。有人来是图休息,               12A


睡过了一两幕,可是恐怕我们                   12B

已经用喇叭吓醒了这样一些人。                13B


很明显,他们要说这台戏演得差;            13C

也有人要听市井【讽刺剧】的谩骂,         13C


大喊“骂得好”,【其实】我们没有干,  12D

【因此】希望听别人的称赞。                   10D


在这个时间【谈】这个剧本,只是想         13E

诸位贤女士来给我们捧个场,                   12E


因为我们表演了【好样】的一个,             12f

如果她们笑颜开,说声“很不错”,         12F


我知道男客就会为我们叫好,                   12G

夫人叫鼓掌,他们不鼓准糟糕。               12G
